México es Lleya

Think of a long distance relative. In most cases it may be a surface level relationship or how are you? How’s everyone? We’re well, thank you. And the yearly birthday call. Not with mi Mamá Lleya.

My material grandmother was my random call on a Tuesday when I needed to hear her voice, check in with her, and/or reconnect with my roots. As my sisters and I were able to visit México more frequently as adults, we always went to primarily go see Lleya. Unfortunately, her long journey of combating cancer came to an end March, 2022.

Since we were toddlers, my sisters and I were never all in México at the same time. We purposely separated our travel so our grandma would have her nieta visitations spread out. Her funeral finally brought us all together in her pueblito home.

I was already in México City when word of her condition was being communicated. Since her cancer was detected in 2017, she was always described as being weak and ill. The radiation from the chemotherapy sessions left her always needing medical assistance. My mom and my sisters were her constant source of financial means. When we sent more money than usual, it meant she was doing worse than usual. Like clockwork, we knew to call immediately to see how she was holding up. She said our calls always gave her extra strength. You could just hear her voice go up octaves when she heard it was one of us on the other line.

Traveling to México was Lleya. The purpose of Sin Título’s travel blog is to reconnect to our roots. Roots we can’t fully be in tune with when we’re across the border. Now more than ever, with losing a huge component in our connection to our family roots, we dedicate this travel blog introduction to our abuelita. The woman that introduced me to chilindrinas con té de hojas de limón. The woman that I’d follow to get el mandado de frutas y vegetales. The woman that fed into my love for plantitas.

Te queremos mucho Lleya, more than all the flowers can show. Cheers to a new beginning of our brand. Sin Título Travel, the connection back to the roots.

-Iraís, nieta de Mamá Lleya


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